Thursday, February 21, 2013


Confession #1: Sometimes, on the rare occasion when I get mega pissed off (over probably something super petty), I dispel my irritation in the form of texts . . . lots of texts. You can think of it as going Hulk-mode where my equivalence of smashing cars is spamming the inboxes of my friends. 

For instance, last night, a certain thing (which I won't mention online because that would be childish and actually really unfair to the other involved parties/persons) got me really worked up. Long story short, let's just say that I absolutely cannot stand people who try to take credit for things without wanting to put in any actual work but I digress (especially since I don't want this to be a one-sided tale, harharhar).

Anywho, to back things up a bit, I had gotten home at about 4:40pm after working at the Township Supervisor's office. After dinner and getting halfway through a K-drama episode, I fell asleep on the couch until about 2:00am when my mom returned from work. I went upstairs to my bedroom, decided to go online just for a quick moment, and that's when I stumbled across the whole conversefrontation (I was trying to combine those two in a really clever way lolol). And of course, like any other normal teenage girl, I reacted by bombarding people's phones with my ravings and Adventure Time/K-idol gifs (because nothing defines my emotions better than an animated donut man :D).

I think one person ended up getting maybe 11 and the other person got 40-ish. I feel like it's always super awkward reading my long rants because they eventually just turn into me typing out my thoughts and then responding to my own thoughts. 

. _________ .

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of Chloe Pan. 

Confession #2: In AP Physics yesterday, there was this kid with bubble wrap in the side-pocket of his backpack. Like the bad-ass I am, I reached out and popped two (#NOREGRETS #YOLO #HARDCORE but actually if you ever somehow see this I'mreallysorry and Ihopehopewecanstillbefriends). I even took a picture as proof. BAM. 

Granted you can't really tell that I actually popped any but THERE'S PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE BUBBLE WRAP LOOK AT THAT BEAUTY RIGHT THERE. Done.

Confession #3: I feel like this blog needs a purpose (other than that just serving as a toilet where I get to dump all of my ramblings and "publicly" use my supercoolpuns). ALAS. Hence begins the double search for an identity of my own and the identity of my blogbaby. 

Thus begins another journey. ONWARD!

Chloe :)

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